Our Services
Comprehensive painting services for all of your needs Licensed Residential & Commercial
Interior Painting
All of the work is in the preparation!
Prepping a project before the painting even starts is a huge part of our success. We specialize in coffered and tray ceilings. We also paint baseboards, door casings, and doors as well.
Recently we have expanded into some decorative coatings, faux finishes, metallic suede, and experimenting with some alternative painting techniques.
We also provide drywall repair services.
Exterior Painting
Pressure washing the exterior of home prior to application is what will ensure your newly painted exterior will last a lifetime. The process typically takes from one to three days depending on the size of the project. The painting process itself usually takes three to four days, again depending on the side of the properties exterior.
Color Consulting
Cabinet Refinishing
Prevail Paintings specializes in the refinishing of wood cabinetry.
*We can not guarantee adhesion with laminate Cabinets therefore we do not paint them.
Deck & Floor Coatings
Get a Free Quote
Our experienced painters will be happy to discuss your project, answer any questions you may have, and provide you with a free quote for your project.
A High-Quality Residential Painting Company in Southwest Florida. Provides Free Estimates and Quotes. Committed to Customer Satisfaction.
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Opening Hours
- Monday-Friday: 8am-6pm
- Saturday: 9am-1pm
- Sunday: CLOSED